IOM Calls for Enlisting Patients to Improve Care and Lower Costs
The new IOM consensus report, Best Care at Lower Cost: The Path to Continuously Learning Health Care in America, presents specific and very "participatory" recommendations for improving the efficiency...
View ArticleListen, Dream, and Change: Using the Power of Patients to Improve Care
We need to make our care more patient-centered. The author illustrates with some examples from his daily practice that we should use the power of patients to achieve the necessary changes. Listening...
View ArticleOne Clinician’s Awakening
I am a nurse. I am a patient. I was sure about which role made me strong and which one made me weak. Which was helpful to others and which was a burden. Then an email arrived in my inbox that would...
View ArticleHealth Camp KC: The Unconference
The overarching topic at this unorthodox conference weekend was "Patient Involvement, Engagement, and Empowerment."
View ArticleBook Review: e-Patients Live Longer
This easily read Guide addresses the relationship and communication among the health care team (patients and their lay and professional caregivers), safety, information gathering, privacy, cost, and...
View ArticleThe Participatory Seal
What would it be like if patients could identify participatory physicians as easily as they could use Yelp to identify a restaurant serving their favorite style of food?
View ArticleKnocking Down Barriers to Care with Patient Centered Medical Homes
Everyone encounters barriers to care at one time or another, but they must be removed if we hope to create a cost-effective health care system that can engage patients and help them take responsibility...
View ArticleBook Review: Critical Decisions: How You and Your Doctor Can Make the Right...
Better than any existing literature, this book highlights techniques and behaviors that clinicians must use to support the empowered patient, and suggests significant improvements to decision aids.
View ArticleThe Many Faces of Patient Engagement
This study was conducted to gain a more clear understanding of the term "patient engagement" and what it means to different stakeholders in different health settings.
View ArticleImpact of an EMR-Based Daily Patient Update Letter on Communication and...
This study found that using EMR data in the form of a daily patient update letter for parents of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) patients resulted better communication and improved parents'...
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